
Welcome to my "Theories and Effects Class" blog

This is a blog on various concepts and conclusions that I will state brief details and examples about. Examples of videos, images, graphs and charts are included. For videos, the 1st video is the example. Thanks for your time.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog1: Theories

     Theories of Uniform Influences are similar to Magic Bullet and Hypodermic Needle Theory. It has a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences. The media presents messages to members of the mass society who perceives them more or less uniformly. Basically, the mass media may influence a mass group of people directly and uniformly, either by sending forth or introducing the audience with suitable messages designed to cause a desired response.
     Theories of Selective Influences are when the media presents messages to the individual of mass society. The messages are received and interpreted selectively. Basically, the influences are selective and limited by individual’s psychological difference. Some individuals have a unique personal organization of beliefs, attitudes, values, etc., that may cause them to received and interpret different messages from others.
     Disinhibition Theory is when an individual have a set of moral ideas and personal ethics that first prohibits them from engaging in certain behaviors which is inhibitions. Eventually, if that individual comes into contact with a group of mass-mediated messages, it may condone their behavior. At this point, the individual loses their inhibitions. Once the inhibition is gone, the individual is more likely to engage in such behavior.
     Desensitization Theory is when heavy media use can cause people to become less sensitive to certain issues or topics. These topics and issues are considered sensitive to which they are formerly displayed. Basically, media that does not bother an individual.
     Sensitization Theory is the opposite of Desensitization which means viewers will react to strongly certain mediated content. It may traumatize the individual and become more sensitive to such issues and topics.
     Modeling Theory is similar to Social Learning Theory. An individual perceives a form of behavior desired or portrayed by a character in media content. The individual may judge this behavior to be attractive and useful for coping with some personal situations. Also, the portrayed behavior is reproduce by the individual in a personally relevant situation.
     Cultivation Theory, studied by George Gerbner, is when you view the impact of television audience. The content analyzes televisions programs to see how much violence is being viewed on television than real life.
     Uses and Gratifications Theory is when people have primary needs. some people have psychological needs or places they may go to satisfy their need. The mass media compete with each other to meet needs. People select what mass media they use.
     Agenda-Setting Theory is when the news media helps set the public agenda. which is done by displaying certain stories more often and more prominently than others. This may imply that these topics are more important than others. Audiences encodes these topics.
     Reinforcement Theory is when all people possess mental collections of possible behaviors that may be used in various situations. Basically, if an individual come into contact with mediated content that agrees or is similar to their mental collections (schema), then it's reinforced.
     Schema Theory is basically the pictures we view in our heads. There are two parts of schema, attributes and scripts. Attributes are like naming the parts of a dog. Scripts are like how things take place.

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